There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens…
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance…
Ecclesiastes 3:1 and 4
For Ketsia is now the time to get another open heart operation. After almost 2 years without any stay at the hospital, Ketsia began to have pain in her breast during stress situations. As the pain did not go away a cardiac catheterization has been scheduled. It took place this week. We knew something was wrong with Ketsia’s heart but thought we would only stay for 3 days in the hospital and hear from the doctors a few weeks later. After a CT-scan and several ECGs it was made us clear that we would stay for longer. The coronary arteries of Ketsia deliver occasionally, and especially in stress situations, not enough oxygen to the heart muscles, which causes the pain.
There are no painkillers for children in such situations, that why a custom one is in development. Till now only rest can help a little. An operation should occur quickly. It is planned for next Wednesday…
But in this time of despair we want to be thankful.
– It hurts a lot as parents to see your little child suffering for hours but we are thankful that till know nothing dramatic happened, although the risks where high.
– We are also thankful for the timing. The heart cath was originally planned on August 18th but was then rescheduled. I (Sam) could attend all the weddings that I had to photograph and we had beautiful holidays in Germany.
– We are thankful for all the people who are helping us, especially with Noémie.
– I (Sam) am thankful for my job, which allow me to be with Lisa and Ketsia at the hospital, thankful for my colleagues, who are taking over my work.
And above all we are thankful for the time God already gave with Ketsia. Hard times are coming but hard times make us strong.

This is Ketsia’s Tikkiering. The tikkies tell the story of Ketsia’s heart
In the little rucksack is the telemeter which monitors Ketsia’s heart. We are thankful that she can play on her own even if she’s not allowed to leave the floor
Here are some prayer points:
– Wisdom for the whole medical team.
– Success of the coming intervention.
– A calm and quiet Ketsia. She is high sensitive and really afraid of being pricked. Hopefully this stay will not let any traumas.
– For wisdom and strengh for us as family: as parents and for Noémie who is with lovely friends.
Thank you for your prayers.
Sam and Lisa with Ketsia and Noémie