Last days on intensive cares from sam rakoto on Vimeo.
Not so many things have changed there. We see old faces, a lot of old memories resurface, but still it is a new day, it is a new fight… and Ketsia is on the winning side.
The operation was a success: her valve could be repaired at 90% and the problems with the coronary arteries resolved.
Saturday night her blood pressure presented some singularities, so that Ketsia had to get an MRI yesterday.
The whole staff is confident. We are still waiting for the end result of that scan but nothing big has been spotted, so that step by step medication and artificial respiration could be reduced.
Now is Ketsia awake and breathing on her own. We may leave the Intensive-Care tomorrow and it was such a relief as we heard her little voice.
She is still tired and weak and there is still a long way until we could go home. But we are the Lord so thankful for the last days, and so thankful that « HE » cares.
Thank you also for reading this note and praying for us. Please pray:
– for a good end result of the MRI scan
– for the transfer to the normal station and a good recovery
– for Ketsia and her fears
– for us, especially for Lisa, who will stay at the hospital overnight with Ketsia
Sam and Lisa.