Le blog de Sécham » C'est beau, c'est simple, Sécham.

Hard times make you strong

Yesterday I could not fall asleep. Lisa spent the night with Ketsia at the hospital and I was thinking about the whole situation. It is quite a hard time. Full recovery is still a long way to go. Ketsia needs to grow better and win weight… It is quite difficult to see your own child crying because she is hungry but your are note allowed to give her food and nothing else can comfort her. But in these very moment of despair we know that we are not alone… Ketsia has already experienced a lot in such a short time and we are so thankful for the time spent with her.
It’s quite a challenge for our faith but as the song says « hard times make you strong » and trust me, we learned a lot about ourself, learned really to trust in people and most of all to trust in our Lord.
Thanks also to you, for reading this blog, for thinking about us, and for praying for us.

As I said, I could not sleep so I did not just stay in bed counting the sheeps…. No I made a small stop motion film just for you. The main character of that film is a « knuffel » of the Ronald McDonalds fondation… This fondation is a great help for parents with children staying at the hospital. I think I will now see the small spare box at the cash register with another view when I buy a hamburger…

Just enjoy

  • chantal, yannick & Clara - trop fort Sam, on en veut encore, on aime bien le lapin Knuffel qui on l’espère fera du bien à KetsiaReplyCancel

  • Rakotoarisoa Marie'IDa et MARTIal -Famille Orleans - BONjour TRes CHEre Famille ; Sam et Lisa et KEtsia ,
    TRes sinceres Felicitations pour le Beau bébé Ketsia ! toute mignonne et si belle !!
    Que le SEigneur vous benisse et vous garde dans Son AMOUr si Grand .. VOus etes si fideles en CHRist , un Heureux MIRacle ! tel est votre GRand Cadeau .. La vie de Ketsia ..une Vie Eternelle ‘ une vie en abondance!! avec JEsus notre SEUl Sauveur Alleluia !! alleluia !! Famille Orleans ..ReplyCancel

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