Le blog de Sécham » C'est beau, c'est simple, Sécham.

Eat Pray Love

This post has nothing to do with the film, which I have not watched yet (not sure I should…), but these words came to my mind when I was reviewing the last days. As I wrote in an older post, Ketsia had an intracardiac catheter intervention. It went well and the doctors are quite satisfied with the results. It can be still a long way till Ketsia will be able to drink her bottle all by herself but it is still a step forward… Even if this intervention (3 hours) was quite small in comparison to the first (10 hours), it is still an intervention under full anesthesia. Lisa and I had the chance to stay with Ketsia till she felt asleep on the « table » in this big room with a lot of machines and screens… Then started the wait. Where should we wait? How should we fill that time? We decided to wait at the « Ronald Mcdonald’s huis » because we were quite tired (I spent the night before with Ketsia at the hospital) and because we needed a quiet space. That is where the eat pray love part comes. All these things are important.

« Eat »
not just for you body, in order to stay in shape (which is really important for your kid) but also soul food
« Pray »
I really don´t know how we should have lived all these adventures without praying and prayers. It really helps and if you are praying for us, pray also please for the « Babyzaal » and the « Intensive Care » in Leiden. There are doing a really great job and there are so many babies with a story similar to Ketsia´s or sometime even tougher.
« Love »
Because all started with love. Love is the key which brings you joy despite the circumstances. And as I said all started with love:  » Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh » (Genesis 2:24). One flesh… It is always a wonder to see Ketsia who is the real mix of Lisa and me.

Place to the pictures now 😉

p.s.: I am very proud of my loooong name but the funny thing is that a lot a people seem to have some troubles with it…hahaha But the good thing is that we can laugh about that, just browse the pictures.

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