Did you notice? Winter is knocking at the door. I just cannot wait to take pictures in a snow white landscape but for the moment I am still enjoying the very last colours of autumn. This week-end Ketsia received the visit of her « Opa » and « Oma ». They drove from Germany with a lot of presents and a small thing from me. Indeed I bought on ebay.de a « 24-70mm L 2.8 I » that was delivered at my in-laws place. Visit of Opa and Oma, the colours of autumn and Ketsia who is growing, all the ingredients were there to test my « new » gear.
We started with a pseudo home photoshoot with Ketsia and her turtles and went then for a walk in the park. It was really great and I am starting to like that new lens, which is useful when you cannot easily change your gear outside (especially in the Netherlands..ahahaha).
Enjoy the pictures !

Ketsia wants to say hello and Au revoir from sam rakoto on Vimeo.
Nadia - Ahhhhhhhh wie goldig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *auffress* Seid froh dass ihr soweit weg wohnt! 😀
Les Banks - Rooooh bonjour à toi aussi merveilleuse Ketsia 🙂 Trop hâte de te voir! Gros bizoo à tous les 3!
Tonton James et tata Mino
miniz tata - je l’aime aussi très fort cette petite chérie! trop marrante cette vidéo, elle n’aime pas qu’on la fasse répéter!!!
gros bisous à tous les 3 et un spécial à la petite Merveille
Käthi - Süß, euer Zuckerstückchen!! freue mich schon sehr, sie mal kennen zu lernen und zu halten!!!
lena - das ist wirklich ein wunder. ich hoffe und bete für euch, dass euer kleiner schatz bald ganz gesund das leben genießen kann. frohe weihnachten euch dreien und ein gesegnetes neues jahr 2013